Tidak, caranya tidak bisa seperti itu. Variabel objek tersembunyi dalam sebuah objek. Variabel objek tidak benar-benar tersembunyi sepenuhnya, Anda bisa melihat variabel objek kapan saja Anda ...
これは20分程度で一通り読み通せる、簡単なRubyチュートリアルです。 Rubyはあらかじめインストールされていることとします (もしお使いのマシンにRubyが入っていない場合、始める前に インストールしておいてください)。 インタラクティブRuby Rubyの処理 ...
Instance variables are hidden away inside the object. They’re not terribly hidden, you see them whenever you inspect the object, and there are other ways of accessing them, but Ruby uses the good ...
Stable Snapshot: Hierbei handelt es sich um den neuesten Snapshot des stabilen Zweiges. Nightly Snapshot: Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Kopie der Git von letzter Nacht. Es besteht durchaus die ...
PHP is in widespread use for web applications, but if you want to use Ruby on Rails or just want a language that’s more tailored for general use, Ruby is worth a look.
Ruby programmers around the world are getting involved in more and more conferences, where they get together to share reports on work-in-progress, discuss the future of Ruby, and welcome newcomers to ...
A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.
这是个不会超过20分钟的 Ruby 简介。阅读前请您先将 Ruby 安装好。(如果您还没有安装Ruby 的话请到 下载区下载并安装。) 刚才是怎么回事啊?难道我们刚写了世界上最短的 “Hello World” 程序吗? 不是的。第二行显示的只是 IRB 给我们的上一个命令的返回值。
Python is another very nice general purpose programming language. Going from Python to Ruby, you’ll find that there’s a little bit more syntax to learn than with Python.
Das Ruby-Logo ist Copyright © 2006, Yukihiro Matsumoto. Es ist lizensiert unter der Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Ruby has four primary English speaking mailing lists: ...