Play the course as you find it and play the ball as it lies. Play by the Rules and in the spirit of the game. You are responsible for applying your own penalties if you breach a Rule, so that you ...
Have your Handicap ID (e.g., GHIN #) and email address associated with your account ready. When you sign up for a Handicap Index through, you’ll receive membership to your local Allied Golf ...
Scroll down for Search Results. You may search for a specific question within The Rules of Golf FAQs by entering a keyword(s) in the field below and clicking "Search ". You may also show all questions ...
Purpose of Rule: Rule 23 covers Four-Ball (played either in match play or stroke play), where you and your partner compete as a side with each of you playing a separate ball. Your side’s score for a ...
Purpose of Rule: Rule 18 covers taking relief under penalty of stroke and distance. When a ball is lost outside a penalty area or comes to rest out of bounds, the required progression of playing from ...
Purpose of Rule: Rule 10 covers how to prepare for and make a stroke, including advice and other help the player may get from others (including caddies). The underlying principle is that golf is a ...
Scoring either by gross scores (no handicap strokes applied) or net scores (handicap strokes applied). Most of the Rules apply in both forms of play, but certain Rules apply in only one or the other.
Purpose of Rule: Rule 4 covers the equipment that players may use during a round. Based on the principle that golf is a challenging game in which success should depend on the player’s judgment, skills ...
Purpose of Rule: Rule 16 covers when and how the player may take free relief by playing a ball from a different place, such as when there is interference by an abnormal course condition or a dangerous ...