联合国大会第79届会议将在星期一结束。此次会议期间,由美国和13个盟国及欧盟委员会组成的“矿产安全伙伴关系”联盟宣布建立一个融资网络——“矿产安全金融网络”。美国国务院在声明中表示,该金融网络将用于“加强参与机构之间的合作,促进信息交流和联合融资,推 ...
The Israel Defense Forces said in a statement on Saturday that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was killed in an airstrike ...
The death toll from the continued Israeli airstrikes on Wednesday across Lebanese rose to 51, with injuries up to 223, ...
除了粒子束本身的这些潜在技术问题之外,助推阶段弹道导弹防御系统还需要处于最佳位置,以便在发射后的很短的时间内与目标交战。弹道导弹助推阶段的飞行时间最多为五分钟,传感器首先必须发现并分类弹道导弹威胁,然后由美国国防高级官员决定是否进行拦截,这个作战过程 ...
BEIRUT/GAZA, Sept. 28 (Xinhua) -- Hezbollah confirmed on Saturday that its leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was killed in the ...
New self defense technique ...
由美国在台协会(AIT)和商务部国贸管理局(ITA)组织、超过20家无人机美企所组成的访问团星期三(9月25日)结束为期三天的在台参访行程,为美台联手打造无人机供应链再创机遇。对此,分析人士说,美商此行不仅为拓展台湾市场,也深化两国无人载具业者的合作 ...
Officials from the Chinese Defense Ministry and the U.S. Department of Defense held the 18th working meeting in Beijing on September 14 and 15, exchanging in-depth views on China-U.S. military relatio ...
国防部:中美两军沟通交流有助于增进理解 管控风险The MND: Mil-Mil Communications Between China and the U.S. Could Help Enhance Mutual Understanding and Manage Risks9月26日下午,国防部举行例行记者会,国防部新闻局副局长、国防部新闻发言人张晓刚大校答记者问。记者:近段时间以来,中美两军 ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Ministry of National Defense (MND) on Monday (Sept. 23) denied Beijing's accusations that three ...
BEIJING, Sept. 15 (Xinhua) -- Officials from China's Ministry of National Defense and the U.S. Department of Defense held the 18th China-U.S. Defense Policy Coordination Talks in Beijing from Saturday ...
Truist Securities将Kratos Defense & Security (NASDAQ: KTOS)的股票目标价从25.00美元上调至27.00美元,同时维持对该股的买入评级。 此次调整是在最近与公司管理层(包括首席执行官Eric DeMarco和首席财务官Deanna Lund)会面后做出的。 该公司分析师支持买入评级,强调Kratos Defense在国防板块的中小型公司中有机 ...