I think I was just exhausted, I let my guard down.' ...
分析今年百货市况,普遍受到出国潮衝击,尤其日系化妆品影响大,免税、匯率便宜等因素使价差较大,让消费者选择在日本购买;一线精品如香奈儿、爱马仕表现也持平,但轻奢类如COACH、Longchamp等因款式变化多,价格也好入手,今年反而很不错,板桥大远百9 ...
纽约时装周,全球时尚界的璀璨盛宴,历来都是潮流风向标的象征。在万众瞩目的2025春夏系列中,TORY BURCH以其独特的设计理念与精湛工艺,为世界带来了一场颠覆传统、重塑现代女性形象的时尚革命。本季,品牌从运动的本质汲取灵感,巧妙融合力量与优雅,精准细致却又自由自在,为全球办公室女郎们打造了一场视觉与心灵的双重盛宴。 TORY BURCH品牌历史:时尚界的革新者 自创立以来,TORY BURCH ...
Red meat Tory
Conservative leadership contender Kemi Badenoch says her three children are “pretty Right-wing” because they love eating meat ...
The Scottish Labour leader denied there was a return to austerity economics and insisted Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves had ...
Cryptopolitan has had the pleasure of sitting down with Tory Green, the not-so-new CEO of io.net, to talk about the specifics ...
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will face a vote as early as next week that could bring down his government, but it’s not yet ...
While I’m always in favor of saving, there are certain times of year—namely, the start of a new season—when snagging deals is ...
写实摄影透过镜头将真实的画面呈现,当中蕴含摄影者想传递的讯息与表达的情绪。黑白照的画面尤其锐利,能将视线聚焦,令看官更容易投入并产生共鸣。出生于1936年的德国摄影师 Walter Schels ...