别人上课都是叫学生收好手机,但在四川托普信息技术职业学院(以下简称:四川托普学院)UI界面设计课上,UI课程教师张修竹却叫学生们拿出手机打开美团外卖,这是为什么呢? “UI,全文是User ...
With the revamp of its app and the launch of next-generation AR glasses, Snap is laying the groundwork for growth, in revenue ...
At a few billion parameters, UI-JEPA models can understand user interactions without sending sensitive data to the cloud.
All that communication, all that growth comes from the foundation, an interconnected root system that's one system that ...
头图由豆包生成,提示词 :太阳系、八大行星,宇宙星空+区域重绘作者|椒盐玉兔邮箱|guojunjing@pingwest.com好家伙,OpenAI 终于上新了!9月13日凌晨,OpenAI 发布了最新系列模型 OpenAI ...
Phantom, the leading Solana wallet, introduced an innovative embedded wallet designed to streamline the onboarding process ...
一般情况下,开机后,用户启动某个应用程序,操作系统内核程序会在合适的时候主动让出 CPU,转为用户态。这时,如果发生了中断,操作系统内核会强行夺回 CPU 控制权,让 CPU 从用户态变成内核态。
TC37x芯片总共有5个SPI Unit/Module, SPI用作Master SPI时,SPI 0可以通过片最多选挂载14个Slave SPI. 注意:TC3xx芯片一个Master SPI最多可以挂载16个Slave SPI. SPI模块需要两个时钟驱动,f SPB 和f PER, f PER 也就是SPI章节中提到的f QSPI. f SPB 主要用来驱动SPI的User ...