Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin has called for a clearer and more transparent approach to Ethereum’s alignment and ...
Vitalik Buterin emphasizes the need for clear alignment criteria in the Ethereum ecosystem, focusing on decentralization, and ...
以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin敦促增加以太坊在Dencun升级期间引入的“blob数量”,以进一步扩展网络并使Layer2协议能够增加容量。Vitalik表示,目前blob空间的使用率已接近75%,需要通过EIP-7623提案来增加blob数量。
PANews 9月28日消息,以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin在发布题为《使以太坊对齐性清晰化》(Making Ethereum alignment legible)的文章,讲述为解决如何平衡以太坊客户端团队、研究人员、Layer 2 ...
BlockBeats 消息,9 月 28 日,以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik 发布题为《使以太坊的对齐性清晰可见》的文章,讲述为解决如何平衡以太坊客户端团队、研究人员、Layer 2 团队、应用程序开发者、本地社区团体,确保所有这些项目集体构建的是一个统一的以太坊生态系统的问题,提出了「以太坊对齐性」(Ethereum ...
Binance founder CZ walks free, former Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison sentenced to two years, and more: Hodlers Digest ...
Changpeng Zhao, co-founder and former CEO of Binance — commonly known as CZ — fulfilled on Sept. 27 his four-month sentence ...
The global landscape of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) is facing a critical juncture as some nations like Canada and Australia ...
今日要闻提示:纽约梅隆银行获美国SEC批准提供加密货币托管服务赵长鹏将于今日提前获释,预计其下一步行动将重新投身加密行业中央结算公司正在积极推进区块链数字债券项目的落地与标准化彭博社:Robinhood正考虑推出稳定币Avalanche基金会推出名为Retro9000的4000万美元资助计划美国比特币现货ETF昨日总净流入3.66亿美元, ...
The correlation between the cryptocurrency and stock markets is at an all-time high in September, according to a recent ...
The IAF will stop any arms transfers from Iran to Hezbollah and is ready to assist troops in any ground operations. Information ...