以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin敦促增加以太坊在Dencun升级期间引入的“blob数量”,以进一步扩展网络并使Layer2协议能够增加容量。Vitalik表示,目前blob空间的使用率已接近75%,需要通过EIP-7623提案来增加blob数量。
Vitalik Buterin emphasizes the need for clear alignment criteria in the Ethereum ecosystem, focusing on decentralization, and ...
Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin has called for a clearer and more transparent approach to Ethereum’s alignment and ...
PANews 9月28日消息,以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin在发布题为《使以太坊对齐性清晰化》(Making Ethereum alignment legible)的文章,讲述为解决如何平衡以太坊客户端团队、研究人员、Layer 2 ...
Blobs play an important role in Ethereum’s plans to scale up with Layer 2’s. Now Vitalik Buterin wants the network to ...
Vitalik Buterin is eyeing a move that will see the increment in Blob counts as a way to boost the scalability of the entire network.
The integration of AI and crypto is the next powerful combination that communities are discussing. But there are challenges ...
PANews 9月27日消息,据Cointelegraph报道,以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin敦促增加以太坊在Dencun升级期间引入的“blob数量”,以进一步扩展网络并使Layer2协议能够增加容量。
The Ethereum co-founder has advocated implementing EIP-7623 which will reduce maximum block sizes to allow for an increased ...
Vitalik Buterin is a fan, but what is Celo? In this article, we analyze the Celo blockchain and explain why it plans to ...