According to Microsoft, those who are using Remote Desktop clients for Windows, macOS, iOS, iPadOS, and the web will ...
【ITBEAR】9月20日消息,微软近日发布了一款全新Windows App,该应用以其强大的远程桌面功能,为用户带来了更为统一和出色的体验,有望全面取代原有的Remote ...
Microsoft announced today that it's releasing a new app called Windows App as an app for Windows that allows users to run ...
微软公司昨日(9 月 19 日)发布博文,宣布面向 Windows、macOS、iOS、iPadOS 及网页浏览器,推出全新的 Windows App 应用程序,并以公开预览版形式面向安卓系统推出。 9 月 20 日消息, 微软 公司昨日(9 月 ...
在数字化转型加速的当下,微软公司于近日宣布上线了一款全新的Windows App,旨在为用户提供更加统一和强大的远程桌面体验,全面替代原有的Remote ...
Microsoft has released the Windows App for Windows, macOS, iOS, iPadOS, and web browsers, with a public preview for Android ...
Microsoft has been testing the app for almost a year, but it's now (mostly) ready for prime time. The Android version is ...
If you want to use the app privately and have a Windows device, you can simply download Windows App on the Microsoft Store.
(爱云资讯消息) 微软最近发布的一份支持文档,确认Windows App SDK已支持原生超前编译(AOT)。据微软称,这将大大改善Windows 11应用的启动时间。在自己的测试中,微软测量到启动时间减少了50%,包大小减少了8倍左右。
【太平洋科技快讯】近日,微软宣称其Windows 11操作系统上的Windows App SDK开发工具迎来重大更新,旨在提升现代应用(Modern ...
快科技9月18日消息,微软宣称,Windows 11系统上基于Windows App SDK开发的现代应用 (Modern App),现在已经大为改观,启动速度更快,体积更小。 Windows 11 App ...
Microsoft has launched a new Windows app that can be downloaded on the Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, and used via the web ...