+ 机器人的相互定位在多机器人合作中起着关键作用。本项目提出了一种新型的专注于多机器人六自由度(DOF)相对姿态的估计系统 CREPES。 + + CREPES硬件结构设计紧凑,其硬件结构包含红外LED,鱼眼相机,超宽带测距模块(UWB)和惯性测量单元(IMU)。 + 通过利用 ...
Na Ying and Faouzia Ouihya.The Next Singer will follow the standards set by Singer 2024, with a "live singing without pitch ...
戴资颖的父亲戴楠凯是消防员,身兼高雄市羽毛球委员会总干事,闲时最爱打羽毛球,在耳濡目染下,她在高雄市前镇区民权国小三年级时开始练习羽毛球,而且越打越好;到国小六年级时,她已打遍高雄,并夺得台湾地区羽毛球排名赛乙组冠军,取得升上甲组 ...
Landscape Architecture Journal is soliciting contributions for a Special Issue to be published in 2024 on "Recreation, Interaction, and Perception in Public Spaces". The guest editors of the special ...
After her beautiful family is destroyed overnight, a housewife becomes an unscrupulous lawyer to seek vengeance on the mastermind... Meet the cast of brand new legal drama, Dark Angel - Zoe Tay, Qi ...